Tuesday, January 02, 2007

Dog to Pig

If you read the signs right on your Chinese calendar you should now know we have smoothly transitioned into the year of the pig. I don’t really keep track but everyone around here does (last year was the year of the dog if you didn’t know). I guess it means different things to different people. For me it means an insatiable craving for a breaded pork chop. For the Kazakhs, beyond the knowledge of knowing, it means nothing. They aren’t Chinese and don’t eat swine. Anyway, 2007 is here and I wish everyone peace, truth and love from the high heights. It will be a powerful year for those who know and follow the living God, and for those who don’t know, if they seek Him, it will be even more powerful.

Is there really only five more months left here? The official close of service for our group is June 8th. And I’m anxious. What lies beyond these premises I do not know. There’s no plan, but I do have a seed of an idea. It’s not concrete so I won’t say. But I will offer you this riddle;

Suits costumes
Stages cages
Every man does it
Why shouldn’t I?

That’s enough about the future. I have some stories to tell.

About a month ago I went to the local sport center and in a rarely used upper room in the main part of the gym I came across an odd sight indeed; about 20 high school kids throwing themselves around on the floor attempting to breakdance. Hmm, I thought, Surely there was room for one more. A few minutes later I was doing a thing or two. I’m no double back flip extravaganza, but I will have you know that I boast a small repertoire of breakdance knowhow. Nothing too impressive but it’s a start. Turns out they were getting ready for a hip-hop/breakdance show that they were going to host in a few weeks. Three weeks later (after daily practices) at the event two other fellows and myself were demonstrating some pop-locking to a perplexed and energetic crowd. Pop-locking; combine the 80’s robot with a poorly oiled tinman, mix in some smooth jive and you’ll be pop-locking till the arthritis kicks in. And that was the end of it. The next week the sport center resumed it’s ghostly atmosphere as few souls came and went, no breakers to be found.

An update; I talked a little bit about a new teaching strategy in the last post. I achieved desirable but not lasting results. The second quarter is short with holidays, concerts and sometimes nothing at all throwing the schedule off. But progress was made and startling things were discovered. Most kids can’t put a simple sentence together correctly..in all grades. Soviet pedagogy; based on rote memorization and little to no eye contact with the teacher, it’s a killer. But I like the beating with the stick part (honestly though I’ve never used it…nor have seen it done…I sort of made it up). Anyway a plan is forming for this quarter and I’m feeling good about it.

With the turn of the new year I’m hit with a wave of energy and sense of urgency to use my remaining time wisely. 07 promises some big changes; personally as I grow, physically as I relocate 10000 miles Westward, and mentally as I figure out what happens next. But it’s looking to be a good one.


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